Every individual has a personal credit report. A credit report is started as soon as you accept your first job, apply for your first credit card, or obtain a utility bill in your name. This report, is updated periodically with every credit inquiry, credit application submittal, change of address, job change, etc. As the credit report is updated and added to, it becomes a statement of an individual's ability to pay back a loan. Getting a free credit report has never been easier.
Investing in your financial future has never been easier. Nav Prime is a brand-new small business membership that helps you accelerate your path to better funding options.
Nav Prime gives you everything you need to always be steps ahead of what lenders care about, which can save you thousands of dollars a year and eliminate time wasted with dozens of accounts that don't know a small business owner's needs.
There's no other solution like Nav Prime and no better time than now to set your business up to get the funds you need. To create a NAV Prime Profile, please contact us at 1-877-466-3823.
Nav Technologies, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Banking services are provided by Blue Ridge Bank, N.A., and Thread Bank, Members FDIC. The Nav Visa® Business Debit Card is issued by Blue Ridge Bank, N.A., and the Nav Prime Charge Card is issued by Thread Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and may be used everywhere Visa cards are accepted. Your funds are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 through Blue Ridge Bank, N.A., Member FDIC.
Business credit is a little different than personal credit. Unlike personal credit, lenders and creditors voluntarily report credit information to credit bureaus. When a business issues credit to another business, it is referred to as trade credit. Trade credit, or business credit, is the single largest source of lending in the world.
Business credit reports are established and tracked by the business name, physical address, and federal tax identification number or employer identification number (EIN). Because the information sent to the credit bureaus is voluntary, it is extremely important to know which creditors report information and to what bureau.
The key to establishing a business credit report and score is simple, know the process. For the small business owner, trying to navigate the business credit world is overwhelming — knowing which vendors to apply to, who reports credit, tracking the score, etc.
If a step in the process is overlooked, the business can be red flagged by the credit bureaus. The goal is to start immediately and do it correctly from the start.
The full array of products and services provides solutions a business needs to succeed...
A business credit card can allow you to buy what's needed to get your company off the ground...
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